Thursday, July 24, 2008

Increase Fuel Economy

Increase Fuel Economy

Why Is Fuel Economy So Important?

Everybody is concerned about the cost of oil.

The terms "premium unleaded," "light sweet crude" and "hypermileing"
are tossed around constantly.

But have you ever stopped to think about why improving your fuel
economy might be so important?

There are some obvious answers, and some not quite so apparent.

The one reason everyone seems to want to improve their fuel efficiency
is to save money.

There are a variety of ways you can change your driving habits to save

including keeping up on maintenance, maintaining a cruising speed and
idling less.

You could also opt for a hybrid or water powered car, but the bottom line is you can keep cash in the bank.

That's always going to be the primary reason.

Air pollution...

Improving your fuel economy can also protect the environment. The
obvious issue here is global warming.

It's no longer simple conjecture as to whether mankind is warming the
planet- it's a fact.

Using less gasoline leads to less CO2 emissions, meaning less heat
trapped by our atmosphere.

Air pollution is an equally important issue, however.

Smog created by excessive gasoline consumption has recently increased
the number of chronic lung disorders in Americans such as asthma, lung
cancer and emphysema.

There are ancillary effects too, such as oil spills. More petroleum
imported means a higher chance for such environmental disasters.

7 billion dollars a week....

National security is affected by oil consumption as well. More than
half the oil Americans use every day comes from foreign states.

Because we are dependent on trade with these sometimes volatile
countries, many times our politicians are unable to conduct diplomatic

or military missions in our nation's best security interests.

Additionally, we are putting almost 400 billion dollars into foreign
countries as a direct result of importing their oil.

Many of these countries are covertly hostile towards the U.S. and are
free to use our money however they wish.

The 7 billion dollars a week we give foreign countries in exchange for
oil is money that could stay inside the U.S. if we were more fuel

A final reason to save gas is perhaps the most compelling. Simply put,
there is not an unlimited amount of oil.

While estimates range quite widely, all experts agree that the Earth
will one day run out of oil completely.

Until alternative fuels are developed and implemented to a large
degree, it is very important that we conserve our oil resources.

Nothing short of complete chaos and anarchy would result from a
depletion of oil reserves.

The answer to "why is fuel economy so important" could literally fill

But given just a few reasons, you should be motivated to begin
conserving wherever possible.

Whether that means driving more efficiently, driving less, or even
converting your car to burn HHO gas, everyone needs to participate.

To learn more about the best available guides on how to use Car fuel
Cell in your Vehicles visit our review site Water powered Car

For more information on how to easily construct a top-performing unit
for yourself, and begin leveraging this exciting new technology into
lower fuel bills,

Check WaterFuelExpert right now: